Butterfly Challenge

Butterfly Challenge


Hi Kids,

Salty here, do you want to help bring butterflies back to your garden? Take part in the Butterfly Challenge, I can help you through the first part of your butterfly challenge. Then ask your teacher, leader or parent to help you complete the second and third parts of your challenge either at home or at school.

There are three steps:

Step One: Find Out

  • Find out what butterflies occur in your area and what they need to survive.
  • Research indigenous, water wise plants that are best suited to your local area

Step Two: Take Action

  • Make a plan of your garden
  • Plant indigenous, water-wise caterpillar food and butterfly nectar plants
  • Provide a water source, some rocks, shelter, colour, shade and an open area.

Step Three: Spread the Word

  • Tell your neighbours, friends, school or local community members about your butterfly garden
  • You make like to contact Butterfly Conservation SA to become an official ‘Butterfly Site’.

For children 5 – 8 years, download your PASSPORT here to help you get started.

To Learn More

Watch a film about attracting native butterflies to your garden

Read ‘Attracting butterflies to your garden, what to grow and conserve in the Adelaide region’,
which is available from Butterfly Conservation SA (buy online) or the SA Museum shop.

Visit the South Australian Museum butterfly display in the Biodiversity Gallery.

Butterflies in my Garden

Linda Shmith shows nectar (food) and host (eggs etc.) plants in her garden