Fisher, R.H (1978). Butterflies of South Australia, D.J. Woolman, Adelaide, South Australia. (Out of print)
Collier, P [Ed.] (1994). Butterflies of Tasmania, Foot and Playsted Pty Ltd, Launceston, Tasmania.
Braby, M.F (2000). Butterflies of Australia – Their identification, Biology and Distribution, Vol. 1, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria.
Braby, M.F (2000). Butterflies of Australia – Their identification, Biology and Distribution, Vol. 2, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria.
Braby, M.F (2016). The complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia (2nd Edition), CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria.
Orr, A. and Kitching, R. (2010). The Butterflies of Australia Allen & Unwin
Shmith, L (2013). The Making of a Monarch. Buy online
Sankowsky, G and Walker, G (2020). A Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia – Their Life Histories and Larval Host Plants, Reed New Holland Publishers
Dashorst, R.R. and Jessop, J.P. (1998). Plants of the Adelaide Plains and Hills. The Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and State Herbarium.
Kutsche; F. and Lay, B (2003). Field Guide to the Plants of Outback South Australia, Openbook Print, Australia.
Bagust, P. and Tout-Smith, L (2005). The Native Plants of Adelaide, Urban Forest Biodiversity Program, Adelaide, South Australia.
Robertson, M (2006) Stop bushland weeds, Natural Conservation Society of South Australia (NCSSA)
Houston, T.F. [Ed.] (1994). Bring Back the Butterflies – Butterfly Gardening for Western Australians, the Western Australian Museum, Western Australia.
Clyne, D (2000). Attracting Butterflies to Your Garden, South China Printing Company Ltd, Hong Kong.
Jordan, F and Schwenke, H (2005). Create More Butterflies, Earthling Enterprises, Queensland.
Hunt, L., Grund, R., Keane, D. and Forrest, J. (2016) Attracting Butterflies to your Garden (2nd Edition), Butterfly Conservation SA Inc. Buy online. Also available at the South Australian Museum shop or other good bookstores in Adelaide.
McQuillan, P., Forrest, J., Keane, D. and Grund, R. (2019). Caterpillars, Moths and their Plants of southern Australia, Butterfly Conservation SA Inc. Buy online. Also available at the South Australian Museum shop or other good bookstores in Adelaide. Below are four book reviews:
(1) BCSA’s Gerry Butler and Gardening Australia’s Sophie Thomson
(2) Don Herbison-Evans
(3) BCSA Moth Book Review by Cathy Powers
(4) Peter Marriott Victorian Entomologist issue 49, December 2019
Baron, T and Herbert, C (2011) Butterfly Garden: Learn how to create a butterfly garden! – a film about attracting native butterflies to your area (community version). Buy online