Websites with a different focus

Ecosystem Restoration

We support the United Nations’ declaration of a Decade of Ecosystem Restoration

Professor Robert Hill on Climate change and vegetation responses

Our climate is now changing at an unprecedented pace and the impacts will be severe. What should we do? There are some clear answers that will help us to be prepared for what is coming. Professor Robert Hill is a graduate of the University of Adelaide. CLICK here to watch his presentation

Dr Stefan Caddy Retalic discusses protecting our trees

Dr. Stefan Caddy-Retalic, Adjunct lecturer, School Biological Sciences, University of Adelaide provides an overview of studies undertaken to review the urban tree protection laws across Australia in order to assist with best practice tree protection. Stefan’s work focuses on how to effectively manage ecosystems in the face of climate change. He has a particular interest in urban trees and is interested in bridging the gap between scientists and government. CLICK here to watch his presentation

CLICK here for more recordings of BCSA presentations

Resources on ecosystem restoration available here:

Friends of Parks Inc. is the independent state body established to protect and represent the interests of the many individual Friends of Parks groups and affiliated groups in South Australia. Friends of Parks Inc.

Together, these groups represent a membership of over 5000 volunteers whose common interest is the protection and enhancement of South Australia’s natural and/or cultural heritage.

Green Adelaide is a South Australian Government supported organisation working to create a cooler, greener, wilder and climate-resilient metropolitan Adelaide. Green Adelaide

Beautiful tidal wetlands surrounding the St Kilda Mangrove Boardwalk have been sickening and dying since mid 2020. These include mangroves, and saltmarshes theoretically protected by the Commonwealth EPBC Act. St Kilda Mangroves Alliance

Flora and fauna of SA’s Murray mallee

The Estuary Care Foundation conserves, protects, enhances and promotes the ecology of the Port River and Barker Inlet Estuary

Sturt Upper Reaches Landcare Group Inc. (SURLG) is a group of volunteers who carry out land care in the community broadly defined by the catchment of the upper reaches of the Sturt River.


Botanic Gardens of South Australia

Plant selector

South Australian Seed Conservation Centre

Seeds of South Australia

Plants of South Australia

Landscape Boards S.A. Hills and Fleurieu Bring back biodiversity

Nursery & Garden Industry S.A. Grow Me Instead

Weed Management Society of South Australia

Wild Orchid Watch (WOW) is a national citizen science project designed to collect, record and share scientific information about Australian native orchids, on the iNaturalist platform. For guidance, please see the Instructional Videos on the website.


One Minute Bugs Short videos about insects by Denis Crawford

Native Australian Bees

BCSA member Neil Cheshire’s flickr photo stream of wild life, especially birds and butterflies

Australian Wildlife (

Australian Jumping Spiders Use this to identify jumping spiders.

Buprestidae of South Australia (jewel beetles)

If you only have time for a cursory look at this new site, which has been created by Peter Lang, check out:

  • Melobasis propinqua verna, which has the most comprehensive documentation for breeding stages and host plants,
  • Temognatha congener, a particularly beautiful and rare species,
  • any of the Ethonion species, of special interest for their gall-making habit,
  • Castiarina erythroptera and C. subtestacea for examples of mimicry;
  • species in Castiarina and Melobasis the two largest genera, and Temognatha which has the largest beetles; all have very colourful species.

Fishes of Australia Great tool to help identify fish.

Frog Watch SA ( ) Community driven. Covers much of SA.


At the August 2021 B.C.S.A. meeting Mike Moore gave the second of three short presentations related to taxonomy. A video is available on YouTube here